How Gay Are You? Maria's comment on my last blog made me remember a quiz that my friends and I took last year on 'how gay are you'? Take the quiz and find out! One of my favourite questions is...

Is it better to be:

- Smart and Ugly

- Beautiful and Stupid

I think I've debated this question quite a few times. I think I'd much rather be beautiful and stupid. Not like...Anna Nicole Smith stupid, but maybe Jessica Simpson stupid. Oh, and for the record, the gay quiz scores were:

Me - 46%

Rhands - 16%

Maria - 56%

Matty - 36%

Iven - 33%

Mikey - 50%

...and the winner amongst the straight men - Ed with 53% Therefore, Ed is gay than Myself, Matt -AND- Mikey. Wow Ed is gayer than Rhandy and Iven put together (Did anyone else get a visual?)

Song of the day: "Invisible Man" - 98 Degrees

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