Gay Clubbing my friend Miko and I were talking about gay clubbing and it got us talking Top 5 lists and I felt compelled to blog about it. Here goes!

Top 5 gay clubs:

5. Fusions - Honolulu. Not the fanciest club on earth, but I've always had a good time there. Read into that what you will. :)

4. Splash - New York. My entry into the NYC gay clubbing scene was an explosion of hot men, hot fag hags and one random guy on a leash.

3. Heaven - Madrid. One of those clubs that just lifts you up as soon as you step in. Probably 'coz the dance floor is so jumpin the ground shakes.

2. Circus - Los Angeles. Strong drinks, salsa and hip hop rooms and a wide variety of thuggish latino men to peruse.

1. Muca Cassina - Rome. This place DEFINES how a club should be. Three levels, all of them packed with men so good looking it's like an Abercrombie catalogue exploded. This club will be forever known as the one and only time Joy, Miko, Matt and I gave a perfect 10 to the same guy.

Top 5 after-clubbing meals:

5. Chicken fried steak and scrambled eggs - Dennys, Honolulu. A classic.

4. Lonsilog - Ling Nam, San Francisco. When you're just craving filipino food this always hits the spot.

3. Gyro - Anywhere in Greece. Perfect size and dirt cheap.

2. Turkish Sausage Pide - Golden Pide, Sydney. Matt introduced these to me and now I associate Saturday night with them.

1. Lamb Doner Kebab - Fulham Station, London. After sweating to death in a club in London (why do none of the clubs have a/c???) nothing beats a greasy, cucumber-sauce filled kebab.

There you have it. Coming soon...Lists for Top 5 Alcoholic Beverages, Top 5 Worst Nights Clubbing and Top 5 Throwing Up Stories (not necessarily mine!).

Song of the Day: "I Think I'm In Love With You" - Jessica Simpson

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