Happy New Year!

...so it's been over a week sinc emy last blog - take that those who though I blog too much! It's actually been a crazy busy week with lots of food, LOTS of alcohol and lots of friends and family around. To recap real quick:

- Christmas morning with my family. Scored money mostly (that's exactly what I asked for)

- Christmas dinner with Matt's family in Wollongong.

- Scott from SF and Jackie from LA came and visited us for the week.

- New years party at our apartment (my pics coming soon...but in the interim check out Maria's pics)

- Boys night out on Wednesday night saw me getting home at 5am. Woo hoo!

- Many, many lunches and dinners with family and friends

- Many, many alcoholic beverages

...AND Matt and I still managed to go to the gym four times this week. It's surprising how far guilt will take you.

New Years is one of those times of the year where I wish I could duplicate myself and party with all my friends all over the world. Thanks to everyone who gave me drunken NYE phone calls! (Mikey, Steve, Joy and Miko). It's all about 2005!

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