Pre-Birthday Blues I've been in a slump the past couple of weeks and I think it's the annual pre-birthday blues. I think the whole "turning 30" thing is affecting me more than I know 'coz the blues hit me way earlier this year (usually it hits a couple of days before my birthday). Yes, yes, I know I have many blessings to count - but I choose to wallow for a little while damnit. It's 10:24am on a Monday and I want a long island iced tea and a pack of cigarettes.

On another note, some asshole ate their toast on my desk this morning and crumbed everywhere. MAN that pisses me off. But then again, everything is pissing me off at the moment. I stepped on the escalator last week and my foot was halfway on a step and when it moved I lost my balance. I got mad and kicked the escalator. Hahaha re-reading that, how gay does that sound? I digress. OK, time to take account of the past 30 years.

Numbers, numbers everywhere:
Record for 3kms on treadmill - 17:01
Countries visited - 16 (USA, Canada, Chile, Mexico, UK, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore, Japan, New Zealand, Australia)
University degrees - 1
Jobs since graduating - 2
Time spent in current job - 7 years 9 months 10 days
Times I've almost resigned - 3
Starting salary of first job - $32K
Roommates - 6 (in order - Larry, Jonny, Rhandy, Steve, Maria, Matt)
Cars owned - 3 (Ford Telstar, Jeep Wrangler, Peugeot 206cc)
Car crashes - 1
Hours spent on planes - easily in the thousands
Weddings attended - around 30
Bridal parties I've been in - 1 (Ariz and Mary Anne's wedding)
Most slices of pizza eaten in one sitting - 13
Most shots in one night - 27
Times I've been hospitalised - 1
Bones broken - 0 *knock on wood*
Current ranking in footy tipping competition - 3
Things I'm allergic to - 1 (eggplant)
US states visited - 23
Times I've been in love - 3
Times I've had my heart broken - 1

That's it for now. I'll add more when closer to my birthday. 12 days left of being 20-something.

Did you notice I have links to other blogs and my photo albums down the side now?

Song Of The Day: "My Love Is Your Love" - Whitney Houston

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