December Thoughts this month is probably the busiest month EVER. Apart from the three million christmas parties (with the corresponding alcohol imbibing), here's a taste of what's on offer for the month of December:

- Stevie's back! Woot! Pecs Ahoy!
- Matt's auntie from Malaysia arrived last week.
- Matt's sister, brother-in-law and niece fly in from London next week.
- Justin's back! Permanently! Woot!
- Jayson and Ed move into their new apartment in Pyrmont.
- Maria's family and friends from the US and Philippines start arriving into the country.
- My sister, brother-in-law, nephew and niece arrive from Brisbane for Christmas.
- Both Matt and I made the Poker Challenge finals to be played on December 17th.
- Maria's last month of living with us. *single tear* It's the end of an era! An era being defined as "three years of love, laughter and lots & lots of wine".
- Rhandy's bucks night. I'd tell you what's been planned, but then I'd have to kill you.

...and of course, Maria and Rhandy's wedding on the 29th of December. I'm in a drunken haze just thinking about it.

Oh! I'm holding out on the most exciting news! I found out the reason I beep! There were electronic sensors UNDERNEATH the insole of my running shoes. For crying out loud. DAMN YOU FOOTLOCKER!

Song of the Day: "Chasing Cars" - Snow Patrol. Man I miss Grey's Anatomy.

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