Interview with Myself I'm totally tapped for blog-spiration so I'm copying Riss, copying Maz and interviewing myself.

Q: What's your theme song?
A: 'Above The Clouds' - Amber. It's basically about struggling through (in the song's case, a relationship) and being really, really happy. For me, it's about being completely high clubbing when the Gay Games were in Sydney -aka- the first time I was truly comfortable with being gay.

Q: What perfume do you wear?
A: 'T' by Tommy Hilfiger. I just started wearing it after about a two year hiatus. Does cologne go off???

Q: If you won the lotto, what would you do with the money?
A: Give half of it to my parents and siblings. Throw a huge going-away party in Sydney with an open bar. Buy first class tickets around the world for Matt and I. Settle down in New York in a loft in Soho. Open a bar in Chelsea. I dunno if I'd let my friends drink for free...I'd be broke in the first couple of months if I did that. ;)

Q: What instruments have you played at one point?
A: I tried learning piano back in high school, but I only only learnt one song - "Lost In Your Eyes" by Debbie Gibson. How did my friends not know I was gay back then?

Q: What inspires and drives you?
A: My older sister who has been through two heart attacks (at ages 21 and 37), a double heart by-pass (at age 26), a kidney transplant (at age 29) and brought my beautiful niece and nephew into the world when she was told she wasn't able to have kids. She also cooks a mean lamb roast.

Q: What food can you not live without?
A: All of it - except eggplant. I seriously, seriously love food. One of my favourite things to do is to eat out with a nice bottle of wine and good conversation.

Q: Who do you tend to get drunk with the most?
A: HAHAHA anyone? Matt and I enjoy a bottle of wine over dinner a few nights a week, so I'd probably say Matt. The person I tend to get SMASHED with most often is probably Maria. Everytime I drink with Maria we always end up laughing the longest and the loudest at THE-MOST-STUPID things. Last week it was Maria's irish accent which sounds mysteriously like a 'pirate' accent. HAHAHA I'm tearing up remembering.

Q: How many times have you been in love?
A: Not including my crush on Steve (*giggle*) - 3.

Q: How many times have you had your heart broken?
A: Once. And once was enough.

Q: How many hearts have you broken?
A: One, I think. But he broke mine first, so that's allowed right?

Q: What guys do you find attractive, looks-wise?
A: Tall, mixed-race guys. Yes, I realise that's an obvious answer when you see Matt, but if you took a look at my track record you would find it dominated by tall, mixed-race men.

Q: What draws you, past the looks?
A: A creative streak, strong family values and the ability to let me be me.

Q: What type of guys could you never date?
A: Guys in the closet. I understand their reasons, but I've come too far and gone through too much to go back in there.

Q: What's been the best day of your life so far?
A: The day my sister came out of her coma after her second heart attack last year. That was also the day I came out to my parents. If you think that's bad timing, YOU try coming out!

Q: Short term goals?
A: Get a six-pack. Make the finals at Poker Challenge for the third season running. Lease a two bedroom apartment at Bowery Place.

Q: What are a few things about you that would surprise most people?
A: I enjoy doing the laundry and ironing. I also enjoy stacking the dishwasher.

Song of the Day: "Everywhere You Go" - Taxiride

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