...so we all just got back from our weekend away in the Hunter Valley for my birthday and MAN was it a great weekend. It was all about lots of eating, lots of drinking and lots of laughter. Thanks to my baby for organising it all! I love you Matt.
Totally scored on the present front! Gifts I received include:
- Tiffany Atlas pendant, "I really really really love Sydney" t-shirt (I've been wanting one FOREVER! and a pedometer from my wonderful boyfriend.
- Tiffany Atlas bracelet (matching with my pendant!) from my boys, Steve and Rhands.
- Tiffany champagne flutes from Maria
- Star Wars toys from Girlie
- One of those fancy wine openers and Gold Class theatre tickets from Jill, Eric, Lisa and Phong.
- Bottle of Absolut from Iven and Jane
- Collection of Lush soaps and shower gel from Charmaine, Chi Wai, Mark and Zena
- Diesel cologne from Jenny and Jonny
- Grilling press from Gin and Danny
- Borders voucher from Jen and Fonz
- Dymocks bookstore voucher from Barbara and Jonathan
- Bottle of Penfolds wine from Pete and Priscilla
- Bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label from Jeff and Jo
- Really cool bongo drum from Kim and Lyn
- Book from Ness and Adam
- CK Eternity Summer from Prinz and Charito
...and a 30th birthday photo frame from everyone who was @ The Hunter Valley
Sorry if I forgot anyone there but it's been a really long weekend! You'll find pics here or on the right hand side under 'Photo Albums'.
Oh my God I'm 30! =o)
Song Of The Day: "Above The Clouds" - Amber