...so I leave for my vacation in ONE WEEK! Woo hoo! For those who don't know, here's my itinerary and things that I wanna do:
29Apr05 - 18May05 New York City
- Celebrate Googz's and Steve's birthdays
- Hit up Splash! again
- Check out the Natural History Museum
- Spend a whole day at Central Park
- Eat a few cupcakes from Magnolia
- Go to at least one class at Broadway Dance Center with Ed
18May05 - 21May05 Los Angeles
- Eat at Killer Shrimp again!
- Hit up Rage on Thursday night for hip hop
21May05 - 25May05 Las Vegas
- Watch 'Zumanity' the new Cirque de Soleil show
- Play quarter roulette with Joy and drink numerous cocktails
25May05 - 28May05 San Francisco
- Show Matt around the bay area 'coz he's never been
- Catch up with as many friends as possible
- Go to Castro Bar on Thursday night for hip hop
- Eat at Ling Nam for Lonsilog after clubbing
28May05 - 31May05 Honolulu
- Eat at Zippy's (corn beef hash with scrambled eggs and fried rice please)
- Relax!
FYI, I'll only be meeting up with Matt for the San Francisco-Honolulu portion of my trip. Sorry to all the East Coast girls...you'll have to make do with me :P
Song of the Day: "Sensitivity" - Ralph Tresvant