Pinterest and my boho wedges

I recently found a new website Pinterest and I am TOTALLY ADDICTED. Actually that's an understatement. It's gone way past addiction and I can't peal myself away from my computer. I'm going to be the perfect candidate for some form of computer cancer, I can just feel it!  Anyway if you're still with me and haven't gone to check out what this Pinterest is all about, it's kind of like an online scrapbook full of yours and other peoples interesting finds, things they want, things that inspire them and things they just like. 

I found this pair of wedges on an etsy site and stupidly "pinned" (Pinterest lingo) them yesterday. I really did plan on buying them. They were perfect, my size and in NZ for only $34. I know Nuts, why did I even hesitate! I thought about them all night as you do when you find a pair of shoes you like and I went back to the etsy site today to purchase them and they were sold, I'm guessing to a Pinterest viewer!

Now all I have is this picture of what could have been mine.... deep sigh... lovely aren't they?

WARNING: If you are going to delve int the delicious world of Pinterest beware what you pin!

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