Roger Ebert

Esquire magazine wrote a great article on Roger Ebert, the well known film critic. He had thyroid cancer which spread to his head and neck. It is a beautifully written piece. Here’s a link to the article...

The following is an excerpt from the article on page 7 and is so well written by Roger Ebert that I’m including it here for ease of reference…

Ebert is dying in increments, and he is aware of it.

From Roger Ebert... I know it is coming, and I do not fear it, because I believe there is nothing on the other side of death to fear, he writes in a journal entry titled "Go Gently into That Good Night." I hope to be spared as much pain as possible on the approach path. I was perfectly content before I was born, and I think of death as the same state. What I am grateful for is the gift of intelligence, and for life, love, wonder, and laughter. You can't say it wasn't interesting. My lifetime's memories are what I have brought home from the trip. I will require them for eternity no more than that little souvenir of the Eiffel Tower I brought home from Paris.

All for now, stay healthy and take care.


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