I am on a high

A good day. I have successfully got Theo's home education diary blog up and running. Will be recording his day-to-day, week-to-week activities on it, with emphasis on him taking part and helping, and dictating text just as soon as he is interested and able. So any family or friends who are interested in reading it are welcome to, but you will have to ask first as it has been set up to be private for authorised readers only.

I am happy, happy, happy! I sold my first hand knitted tea cosy today! Well it might seem like just a small thing to you, but to me it is a significant step. I have always got a buzz, been put in my 'element' making things. Well after a life time of doing the right thing and leaving creativity behind, I have started making things again. In the dim and distant past I made a lot of things, for myself, for family, for friends, and they have all been appreciated, but this today, well this is the first piece I have made to sell and it has now sold! It is a great feeling. I have a few more things on my Craft website and will be adding more.

I have been 'bitten by the bug' most surely! Please if you like my work, on the Etsy website, please help me promote it, by making me your favourite......

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