London-bound! Matty leaves for London tonight to spend two months in sunny (?) England visiting his family and eating scones at high tea. What is with 'high tea' anyway? It'd be ok if it meant you're high when you drink the tea. I just don't get why people pay like...over $70 USD for tea, scones and cold sandwiches. Someone explain this phenomenon!

Anyways...all you London people, take care of my Matt until I get there! For future reference, I'll be in London Sept 21 - 24 and October 12 - 14 for weekend jaunts. That's a funny word, "jaunt". I do enjoy those jaunts. Jolly jaunts. Jaunt jaunt jaunt. OK I'm over it (jaunt).

Have a safe trip Matt! Try and avoid getting a mohawk while you're there. :) I love you!

Song of the Day: "I'm Not That Girl" - Wicked soundtrack. I'm on a mission to get tickets to see 'Wicked' here on Broadway (without paying $300 a ticket for them).

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