...so Blogger isn't letting me enter in a title for this post - weird. Anyways!

The title for this post WAS gonna be "32...and The End?" for the following reasons:
  • 32 'coz...I turned 32 on the weekend. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! I totally felt the love from across the Pacific, across the Atlantic and here in the US. I had an absolute blast the entire weekend which was filled with LOTS of laughing, a few hundred litres of alcohol and surrounded by great friends - both old and new. If you're looking for pictures on here, I've posted them all on Facebook. If you're not on Facebook (what are you waiting for???), the link to the pics is here.
  • The End? 'coz...well I'm feeling like this blog is nearing the end of it's shelf life. *shrug* I'm blogging less often and I reckon I'll probably use Facebook to put my pics up and uhhm...be creative. Maybe I'm just being all 'meh' with post-birthday blues.

Song of the Day: "Girlfriend" - Avril Lavigne. That bloody song has been in my head ALL-THE-LIVE-LONG-DAY.

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