Blurkers I've been out of blogspiration for the past couple of days until a conversation with Steve and Ed (Thanks Guys!) gave me a tangent to follow.

I sent out an email a few days ago relaying my change in email address (to - how kick-in-the-face) and at the end I put a link to this website. A few people have since emailed me back and are like "Nice blog. Enjoyed this post." or "Didn't know you had a blog. Cool.". BUT DO THEY COMMENT? NO!

I'll admit it. I'm a comment-slut. I get a perverse thrill at pressing F5 on my browser in the hope that the comments tally goes up. And still there are blog lurkers (I shall call them 'blurkers') who read and don't comment! You know who you are *sidelong glance*. I equate it to standing and listening to someone busk (singing from their Craig David collection of songs *cough*Steve*cough*) for a few minutes and then not giving them some change.

So if you're a blurker - comment! Come out of your non-commenting closet! Be heard! =o)

On another note - DJ Matty B will be playing at the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras after party!!! How kick ass is that! Thanks to everyone who came to support him at the DJ comp. I'm sure you're all not blurkers!

Song of the Day: "No Scrubs" - TLC. Just to appease you, Ralche.

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