...so I got drunk last night. We were at Ancient Briton hotel in Glebe celebrating Darryl's 40th birthday and within the first hour I had managed to drink five glasses of sauvignon blanc. Some thoughts:
- When the party has an open bar, I tend to take advantage of this fact.
- Not that paying for drinks has ever stopped me.
- Matt & I had kebabs on the way home which I'm currently tasting right now with every burp. Usually we get kebabs when we walk home from the city, but last night we actually got our cab to drop us off at the kebab place. I feel dirty.
- My tolerance (which has always been high) is especially high after our holiday. I'm just conditioning for New York - kinda like training for a marathon.
- I almost always wake up early after a big drinking night. It's just past 7am here and we would've gotten to bed at 1am.
- I'll be drinking tonight at a friends dinner party and again on Sunday night when I'm in Adelaide for work. *pets liver fondly*
Jerome was there last night. You may remember his name from my previous post "
Top 6 hot half asian guys I know", but I didn't include his picture for perusal. Well, here it is! (Thanks Anna!)

Song of the Day: "Too Little, Too Late" - Jojo. I'm watching music videos and that song just came on. My typing is too loud right now.