Wedding Gift? from now (October 30) until the end of the year I'll be attending three weddings. Of these weddings, none of them have gift registries so we're faced with either:

a) Giving money, or
b) Buying a gift which the couple may not like

My brother and his wife received a velvety blanket with a picture of a tiger on it. See? That's what people get when they don't register!

If it's really the thought that counts, maybe i'll just get them a virtual gift. Now there's an idea. Hear that Maria and Rhands? I think I'll get you guys Barry Manilow. :)

Song of the Day: "Fantasy (ODB Remix)" - Mariah Carey. I love how he rhymes 'Mariah' with 'pacifier'. Genius.

Ch-Ch-Ch-changes I resigned from work yesterday after nine years and eleven days with PeopleSoft/Oracle. Still digesting it. I'll blog more later...

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