...so I finally had a good week last week. Funnily enough, I was drunk for most of it. Let me give you a run down of how it went.
Monday: Played a Texas Hold 'Em tournament @ Newtown RSL. I didn't have a good run but I got drunk. Maria came 2nd though!
Tuesday: Played a Texas Hold 'Em tournament @ James Squire Brewhouse in King Street Wharf. I didn't have a good run but I got drunk. They had $3 beers for all poker players (they're usually double that) so I proceeded to have 5 beers before the first break. Alcohol does not a good poker player make. Matt made it to the final table though!
Wednesday: Watched Maria, Ed and Jonny play a Texas Hold 'Em tournament final for $3000. After a valiant effort, Maria finished the best of the three with a 14th placing (and she got out on pocket A's!). Matt and I played our regular poker comp @ Pyrmont Bridge Hotel. It started off with around 40 players and ended up with 2 - Matt and I! Unfortunately (for Matt) I was chip leader by about 10-1 and took him out in the second game. I'm
winning the tournament, by the way. Oh...and I, again, got drunk.
Thursday: Watched Matt DJ his sexy ass off @ Kinselas nightclub where he did really well (still haven't heard who won yet). Lots of people showed up to support him which was great to see. I got drunk.
UPDATE!!! August 22nd 2pm - MATT WON! He'll be DJing the Final of the DJ comp Thursday 31st August...More info to come!
Matt showing off his skills

The roomies doing our best to appear sober
Friday: Watched Matt DJ his sexy ass off @ Bar 333 in the city. I got drunk. Compared to everyone else though, I was sober.

Jayson, Elle, Chris (where are you looking?), Maria and I
Saturday: Played a Texas Hold 'Em tournament @ Newtown RSL. Matt and I both made the final table - I came 7th and Matt came 5th. We then headed to the casino where we bumped into a whole bunch of school friends and proceeded to get drunk at the bar.
Sunday: Played a Texas Hold 'Em tournament @ Darling Harbour. I didn't have a good run, and I didn't get drunk (I had to have ONE night off the alcohol!). Matt made it to the final two tables but got knocked out in 18th place.
...and now it's Monday at work and I'm in Struggletown (Population: Me). No poker tonight. I swear.
Song of the Day: "I'm Ready" - Tevin Campbell