Gud Engrish I was recently (yesterday!) informed that my spelling was wildly incorrect on my last posting with the use of the word "commonality". I was asked whether I meant "equilibrium" or "duality". My answer was "NO I MEANT COMMONALITY. GET YOUR OWN BLOG!". ...not that I'm defensive or anything. :) (Do you like my disarming smiley?)

Having said that though, one of my biggest pet peeves is crappy spelling and/or grammar. I detest the use of "wiv" or "frendz" or in one case "fwrendz" *cringe*. Don't even get me started on the their/they're/there shit fight. That's up there (their? they're?) with the your/you're dilemma.

The funniest, unintentional typo I've ever encountered was an email that was sent by a client who had requested the "Headcunt Report". HAHAHA I just laughed out loud typing that out. *continued muffled giggles* ...headcunt... hahaha crazy.

OH! By the way...the person who pointed out my foibles with the English language is also the same person who borrowed my apartment for the weekend and left a "floater" as a present. 'Nuff said! :D

Song of the Day: "I Take You With Me" - Melissa Etheridge

Coupling a friend and I were chatting today about the couples we know and we noticed that almost all of them have some combination of duality and commonality. For example, I would say that I'm around 90% corporate versus Matt's 10% - and on the flip side Matt's 90% creative versus my 10%. Our commonalities would be that we both love to travel, both love fine dining and both love men's genitals.

Using this theory, we could pretty much categorize all the couples we know with the same kind of duality/commonality see-saw percentages. I don't want to single out any couples but you can all comment on your own percentages. Taking this into account, here's what I think Matt and I would be:

Height - Matt 90 / Ray 10
Athletic ability - Matt 80 / Ray 20 (Matt can beat me 6-0, 6-0 in tennis, but I can beat him in ten-pin bowling. And yes, that is a sport.)
Writing neatness - Matt 20 / Ray 80
Affinity for music - Matt 95 / Ray 5 (I get 5 percentage points for singing damnit)
Loudness on the phone - Matt 90 / Ray 10
Loudness in general - Matt 10 / Ray 90
Ability to maintain while drunk - Matt 100 / Ray 0 (Matt can count the number of times he's thrown up on one hand. I'd need half the hands in China to count mine.)
Ability to tell difference between left and right - Matt 0 / Ray 100
Love of designer labels - Matt 10 / Ray 90
Obsessive compulsive habits - Matt 10 / Ray 90 (I colour-coordinate my clothing in my wardrobe and arrange it in order of sleeve-length and pattern. I rock.)
Wardrobe space - Matt 25 / Ray 75
Love for each other - Matt 100 / Ray 100 (All together now...awwww)

I'm sure I could go on forever but you get the general idea. I was gonna percentagise "Weight" but I didn't want to upset any idealists who may read this...

p.s. Happy Birthday to my boy Rhandy. May this year be the year that all your percentages result in 100%.

Song of the Day: "Color Esperanza" - Diego Torres

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