...so if a straight guy can suck his own penis - does that make him somewhat gay? I mean, if that were to happen and we played "I Never" and the statement was "I've never had my lips on a penis", they'd have to drink.
I'm so proud of all my friends.
Song of the Day: "Place Where You Belong" - Shai
...so I've been out of blogspiration for the past couple of days until a conversation with Steve and Ed (Thanks Guys!) gave me a tangent to follow.
I sent out an email a few days ago relaying my change in email address (to oracle.com - how kick-in-the-face) and at the end I put a link to this website. A few people have since emailed me back and are like "Nice blog. Enjoyed this post." or "Didn't know you had a blog. Cool.". BUT DO THEY COMMENT? NO!
I'll admit it. I'm a comment-slut. I get a perverse thrill at pressing F5 on my browser in the hope that the comments tally goes up. And still there are blog lurkers (I shall call them 'blurkers') who read and don't comment! You know who you are *sidelong glance*. I equate it to standing and listening to someone busk (singing from their Craig David collection of songs *cough*Steve*cough*) for a few minutes and then not giving them some change.
So if you're a blurker - comment! Come out of your non-commenting closet! Be heard! =o)
On another note - DJ Matty B will be playing at the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras after party!!! How kick ass is that! Thanks to everyone who came to support him at the DJ comp. I'm sure you're all not blurkers!
Song of the Day: "No Scrubs" - TLC. Just to appease you, Ralche.
I sent out an email a few days ago relaying my change in email address (to oracle.com - how kick-in-the-face) and at the end I put a link to this website. A few people have since emailed me back and are like "Nice blog. Enjoyed this post." or "Didn't know you had a blog. Cool.". BUT DO THEY COMMENT? NO!
I'll admit it. I'm a comment-slut. I get a perverse thrill at pressing F5 on my browser in the hope that the comments tally goes up. And still there are blog lurkers (I shall call them 'blurkers') who read and don't comment! You know who you are *sidelong glance*. I equate it to standing and listening to someone busk (singing from their Craig David collection of songs *cough*Steve*cough*) for a few minutes and then not giving them some change.
So if you're a blurker - comment! Come out of your non-commenting closet! Be heard! =o)
On another note - DJ Matty B will be playing at the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras after party!!! How kick ass is that! Thanks to everyone who came to support him at the DJ comp. I'm sure you're all not blurkers!
Song of the Day: "No Scrubs" - TLC. Just to appease you, Ralche.
Soundtrack to my life
...so my friend Miko was telling me about this radio station he listens to where listeners call in and give the station 10 songs that would make up the soundtrack to their life - which the radio then plays. I think that's kinda cool. Unless your life was one big heavy metal concert. Here's what I think the soundtrack to my life is (so far anyway):
* "Quando, Quando, Quando" - Engelbert Humperdinck. Some of my earliest memories are my Dad playing his greatest hits in the car (Red VW Kombi van). We listened to that tape A LOT. It may have been the only tape my Dad had.
* "Take On Me" - A-ha. My older sister played them incessantly growing up.
* "Better The Devil You Know" - Kylie Minogue. I could name about 20 Kylie songs that had an impact but this was probably the first.
* "It's No Crime" - Babyface. The song my first dance group danced to in Year 10 (Sophmore year for you Americans). I'm cringing just thinking about the dance, but that year pretty much defined my high school experience.
* "Electric Youth" - Debbie Gibson. I was OBSESSED with Debbie (and Tiffany) in HS. Her concert in 1989 was also the first concert I went to. And I got to touch her hand outside the State Theatre!
* "Selling The Drama" - Live. The rock song that marked my appreciation of live instruments.
* "Do You Miss Me (12" Freestyle Mix)" - Jocelyn Enriquez. If I had to choose one song that makes me think of all the trips I've taken, it'd be this one. I think it was Seattle in 96 (97? 98?) when it was played on repeat everywhere we went. It irritated Joy so much that she hid the record.
* "Above The Clouds (Thunderpuss Remix)" - Amber. My ultimate gay club anthem. The first time I heard it was probably the first time I was comfortable with who I am (i.e. one big gay disco biscuit)
* "Whenever, Wherever, Whatever" - Maxwell. The first and last heartbreak. 'Nuff said.
* "Heaven (Candlelight Mix)" - DJ Sammy. The first song Matt and I danced to. (Stop gagging Joy! It's OK to be sappy!)
Speaking of sappy, I keep meaning to post up ALL of my photo albums and I swear I will soon...but in the meantime, here are pics from New Years Eve 2004 and pics from Matty's 30th Birthday. Enjoy!
* "Quando, Quando, Quando" - Engelbert Humperdinck. Some of my earliest memories are my Dad playing his greatest hits in the car (Red VW Kombi van). We listened to that tape A LOT. It may have been the only tape my Dad had.
* "Take On Me" - A-ha. My older sister played them incessantly growing up.
* "Better The Devil You Know" - Kylie Minogue. I could name about 20 Kylie songs that had an impact but this was probably the first.
* "It's No Crime" - Babyface. The song my first dance group danced to in Year 10 (Sophmore year for you Americans). I'm cringing just thinking about the dance, but that year pretty much defined my high school experience.
* "Electric Youth" - Debbie Gibson. I was OBSESSED with Debbie (and Tiffany) in HS. Her concert in 1989 was also the first concert I went to. And I got to touch her hand outside the State Theatre!
* "Selling The Drama" - Live. The rock song that marked my appreciation of live instruments.
* "Do You Miss Me (12" Freestyle Mix)" - Jocelyn Enriquez. If I had to choose one song that makes me think of all the trips I've taken, it'd be this one. I think it was Seattle in 96 (97? 98?) when it was played on repeat everywhere we went. It irritated Joy so much that she hid the record.
* "Above The Clouds (Thunderpuss Remix)" - Amber. My ultimate gay club anthem. The first time I heard it was probably the first time I was comfortable with who I am (i.e. one big gay disco biscuit)
* "Whenever, Wherever, Whatever" - Maxwell. The first and last heartbreak. 'Nuff said.
* "Heaven (Candlelight Mix)" - DJ Sammy. The first song Matt and I danced to. (Stop gagging Joy! It's OK to be sappy!)
Speaking of sappy, I keep meaning to post up ALL of my photo albums and I swear I will soon...but in the meantime, here are pics from New Years Eve 2004 and pics from Matty's 30th Birthday. Enjoy!
Matt's Big...3-0
...so it's Matthew's 30th birthday today. Matt, you are everything that makes me happy rolled up into one really hot package. I love you.

Happy Birthday Baby!

Happy Birthday Baby!
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